Photo: Heather Doland
Story: Ed Jamison
If you would like to stop dog digging, it is important to know why your dog does this. There may be multiple motivations involved.
Trying to hide something could be a reason why your dog is interested in digging. Is it possible that your dog is a terrier breed that digs instinctively? Sometimes a dog can feel too hot and digging will help them cool down. Once you have figured out why your dog is digging, you'll get a better idea on how to solve the issue.
One of the main reasons that dogs dig are because they are bored. Is your dog kept outdoors frequently? If that is the case, then boredom may very well be the reason for their digging. For instance, consider what a youngster would get into if they were simply left outdoors. Many children would find ways to keep occupied, such as digging and playing in the mud.
Dogs are exactly the same. The feeling of moist, fragrant dirt on their paws is something every dog enjoys. It keeps them occupied and it can also be really enjoyable. Providing something more fun to do can help stop dog digging.
Some breeds like to dig more than others, and if you have one of these breeds you may have a tougher time to change them. Providing a certain area for your dog to dig can help a dog who is a digging breed.
Section off an digging area can also help to control digging instead of trying to stop it. You can still permit your dog to do what it does, without your garden becoming ruined!
In order to stop digging, what you need to do is give your dog many opportunities in which to get exercise. Giving a dog a designed area to dig, and keeping the dog occupied is important to solving a digging problem.
When you can not spend time with your dog, you can purchase boredom buster toys. This could take some time, but with a little patience and the tricks mentioned here, in a short amount of time you can stop dog digging at your house.
Dog leash training, teaching your pet to obey your commands and knowing how to stop unwanted dog behavior are all important elements of being a responsible dog owner. For additional stop dog from digging tips, go to StopDogFromDigging.com
About Author Ed Jamison :
Dog leash training, training your dog to obey your commands and knowing how to solve undesirable dog behavior are all necessary parts of being a responsible dog owner. For more stop dog from digging tips, go to StopDogFromDigging.com
Article Source: http://www.BharatBhasha.com
Article Url: http://www.bharatbhasha.com/pets.php/149516
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