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By: Dede Purneim
Feeding your dogs means providing the good nutrition in order to keep your dogs fresh and healthy. The food is vegetable or meat material intended for consumption by a dog. Special dog food given to a dog as a reward, and not only as a staple, are known as dog treat.
The best way to find out detail of the good is to get to personally know your dog. You need to know your dog nutritional requirements based on the breed and good health conditions. You can do a little researching on your own dog.
For increasing life expectancy and the power of your dog, go with high quality dry dog food. The basic ingredient of the dry food is soybean, corn or rice. Good quality of the dry food will need other ingredients such as chicken or beef or both. Pet food stores usually sell the dry food which formulated specifically to each dog age. Dog food factories classify the different types of the dry foods as being for puppies, adult dogs and senior dogs. Choosing the dry food which most suitable for your dog age is always significant.
Make sure to feeding healthy and freshly lean of meat to your dog. Meat is food component that contain protein which required to your dog. Make sure all dog foods contain lean of meat such as turkey, chicken or beef. Liver, kidney and other organ meats are good and safe for your dog. Make sure to cooking the meats before feeding it to your dog because this way can kill the bacteria that may cause health problems to your dog.
Another sources of all good dog foods are vegetables. These source are good way for your dog diet because vegetables act as antioxidants and have high and good nutrients and vitamins.You can also add cooked corn, squash, peas or potatoes if you want. Raw lettuce and carrot are good and safe for your dog as well. High nutrition may be the most important factor that affecting your dog health and age, so you need to make the more research to doing the better, especially if you are feeding growing puppies. Pay attention to higher quality of the dry foods are higher in calories and nutrition, containing less the filler.
Next, dogs need good vitamin and mineral supplementation too. This will help to strengthen the dogs immune system. Supplements, most of the foods contain additional vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients. It is always a good idea to also add some fish oil to your dog food.
Some dog lovers usually choose the dry food for their dog because the dry food contain good vitamin and mineral supplementation. This way is good for teeth and gums of your dog. Considerably it is not expensive.
You need to understand that the food consists 40% protein, 30% fiber and 30% starch. If you really want to know what is in your dog food, try creating your own dog food. You may consult with a pet expert to make sure the diet is well-balanced for your dog.
About Author Dede Purneim :
To discover more information about how you can keep your dog healthy and happy by using proper dog food, you can visit at http://www.squidoo.com/homemadedogfoodrecipes1, http://dogbiscuitrecipes.blogspot.com and http://naturalbalancedogfood1.blogspot.com
Article Source: http://www.BharatBhasha.com
Article Url: http://www.bharatbhasha.com/pets.php/73958
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