Saturday, August 9, 2008

Home made recipe for dog food

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By: Ashish K Arora

Most of the pet owners try to give their dog or cat best possible care. Many of these pets enjoyed the same care as the child of the family. Feeding right food is a major concern for the owners. Most of the owners are aware of health risk by providing commercial food to their dogs. Commercial food is easy to make and convenient for the owners. But to ensure better health and growth there is no alternative of homemade food.

Making food for dogs in the home is not just enough. Provide the proper ingredients in the food are also important. Protein and vitamin is very much essential in dog’s food to protect them from diseases and strength their muscles. As like human being, dogs also prefer variations in their food menu. So owners should keep in mind that they have to make different kind of foods so their pets enjoy the meal.

Dogs choose food by smelling. Meat is most preferred by dogs. But owners should provide vegetable beside meat to ensure perfect diet for their dogs. Dogs need different nutrition’s to become healthy. Providing food with a combination of meat, vegetable and carbohydrates are important. Salt should not mix in dog’s food as animal do not need salt in their diet.

Making foods in the home for dogs is not a difficult job. Also it saves money as well. There are some important factors, owners should know. Foods should be served at room temperature. Foods should not serve from refrigerator or hot from the stove.

Homemade dog food is important for many reasons. Owners can ensure the proper vitamin and minerals in the food; dogs can be protected from many diseases which might cause by commercial foods. Dogs also prefer homemade foods and it’s cheap than commercial foods.

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You might not be knowing that most of the dog diseases are due to bad dog food. Prepare the best healthy dog food recipe for your dog. Dog Food Secrets is a guide that explains the dog food recipes with pictures. Check out Dog Food Secrets Review and don't let your dog die young.


DOGGIE STEPS Dog Training, LLC. said...

Great article! Making your OWN dog food has many healthy benefits for your dog!!

Mark Siebel

Holiday Maker said...

Thank you dropping by and comment.I hope it will help the dog owners to understand more about healthy foods.
